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Bris Milah Checklist

IMPORTANT: To assure that the bris is held as planned, it is important that if any health-related concern develops (i.e rash, fever, etc.) it should be brought to the Mohel's attention immediately.

Pre-Bris Instructions


​Upon registration, you will be provided with the printable "Pre Brit Milah Instructions" that encompass the Complete Brit Milah Parent's Guide, necessary forms to complete, and a checklist of items to prepare for the Brit Milah ceremony.

For the sake of your peace of mind and to ensure promptness, please be sure that all of those who will be receiving important honorary positions are notified ahead of time and that they have their tallis prepared in advance.


Honors at the Bris:  (numbers in parenthesis represent the order of importance)


  • Kvatter (5)

  • Placing the baby on the throne of Elijah (4)

  • Lifting the baby from the throne (6) *

  • Sandak (1)

  • Lifting the baby from the Sandak (7)*

  • Standing Sandak (2)

  • Reciting the Brachos (3) **


* This Honor is optional

​**Usually the officiating Rabbi or Mohel recites the Hebrew Brachos and the prayer

     where your child's Jewish name is declared




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